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Thursday, June 23, 2011

H.M.& F.W.Dept. – Re-distribution of subjects between the Special Chief Secretary to Government and the Principal Secretary to Government


H.M.& F.W.Dept. – Re-distribution of subjects between the Special Chief Secretary to Government and the Principal Secretary to Government – Orders – Issued.


G.O.Rt.No.              .                                                               Dated 23-06-2011.
                                                                                     Read the following:-

             1.G.O.Rt.No.1345, Genl.Admn.(Spl.A) Dept., Dt.18-03-2010.
             2.G.O.Rt.No.1849, Genl.Admn.(Spl.A) Dept., Dt.19-04-2010.

* * * * *
O R D E R :-

In supersession of orders issued in the G.Os. read above, and under Rule 7 (c) of Andhra Pradesh Government Business Rules, the following distribution of subjects between the Special Chief Secretary to Government and the Principal Secretary to Government in Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department is ordered as indicated below :-

1.Sri G.Sudhir, I.A.S.,
   Special Chief Secretary to Government
i)                    Policy, Co-ordination and Planning
ii)                  Medical Education
iii)                 NTR Health University
iv)                Autonomous Medical Institutions, including NIMS, SVIMS, RIMS,
VIMS, MNJ Cancer Institute.
v)                 Rajiv Arogya Sri and other Health Insurance Schemes
vi)                Health Management Information System (HMIS)
vii)              Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
viii)             Drug Control Administration, Drug, Food and Water Safety
ix)                EMRI, HMRI, Trauma Care Centres, including 104 & 108
x)                  A.P.Medical Services Infrastructure Development Corporation
xi)                Regulation and oversight of clinics and hospitals in the private sector
and all Regulatory Matters of the Medical and Health Departments.
xii)               Work distribution between Assistant / Deputy / Joint / Additional Secretaries of the Department
xiii)             Any other subject not specifically allocated to other Secretaries.

2.Sri P.V.Ramesh, I.A.S.,
   Principal Secretary to Government.

i)                    Public Health, including disease control initiatives and Family Welfare
ii)                  Human Resources Management and overall administrative oversight of the Directorate of Health and Commissionerate of Family Welfare, including SHTO.

( Contd…. 2… )
:: 2 ::

iii)                 Institute of Preventive Medicine, Indian Institute of Family Welfare, Indian Institute of Public Health, Paramedical Board
iv)                Andhra Pradesh Health Sector Reform Project and allied matters
v)                 Externally Aided and Central Sector Schemes on Public Health and Family Welfare
vi)                National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
vii)              Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Naturopathy (AYUSH)
viii)             A.P.Yogadhyayana Parishad
ix)                A.P.Medical and Aromatic Plant Board
x)                  A.P.State Aids Control Society (APSACS)
xi)                Vigilance and ACB cases of the Department



The Special Chief Secretary to Government, H.M.& F.W.Department.
The Principal Secretary to Government, H.M.& F.W.Department.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
Copy to
All Departments in A.P.Secretariat.
The Spl.C.S. / Secy. / Spl.Secretary / Addl.Secy. to Chief Minister.
The P.S. to Chief Secretary / Prl.Secy.(Political).
The General Admn.(Cabinet) Department.

// Forwarded  by order //


Friday, June 17, 2011

ANC CHECK UP - IT’s A Great Feeling To Be A Mom.

IT’s A Great Feeling To Be A Mom.

                 As you realise and progress in your term, you and your body undergo several changes. Knowing what to expect when, helps you ease your fears and prepares you to deliver a baby in good health.
             From a single microscopic cell to the baby you love to hold in your arms, pregnancy is a time for rapid change. You can see yourself changing too. You will gain 9–14 kilos which include the weight of the placenta, uterus, blood, milk glands and the baby growing inside you.
           The entire duration of pregnancy can be divided into three trimesters, each lasting 3 months:
           1)The first trimester from conception to 12 weeks                       
           2)The second trimester from 13 to 28 weeks
           3)The third trimester from 28 weeks to the delivery
Good care and nutrition is important in all the three; however, the first trimester is often ignored as during the early stages, most women do not even realize that they are pregnant.

AN CHECK UP First trimester

Antenatal tests are performed during pregnancy to detect health problems in the growing foetus; establish characteristics such as foetal age or weight; or diagnose any other conditions that may affect foetal development.
Doctor's visit: First trimester
Your first pregnancy visit to the doctor provides the occasion for a complete physical examination.
Questions you might be asked
Last period.
Be prepared to give the date of your last period to determine a due date.
Your history.
The doctor will also want to know about your reproductive history (previous pregnancies, miscarriages, or abortions); any inherited disorders which may pass on to your child and any current or past illnesses.
Your stats.
The doctor or nurse will record your height, weight, blood pressure and pulse.
The doctor will give you a general physical examination, paying special attention to the heart, lungs, abdomen and pelvis.
Pelvic exam.
You’ll also have a pelvic examination, which allows the doctor to estimate the size of the uterus and pelvis.
Blood test.
At your first visit, the doctor will also take blood samples to determine:
Your blood count, to see whether you’re anaemic
Your blood group, in case you need a transfusion
If you have HIV (AIDS) antibodies, which can affect your baby
If you have sickle-cell anaemia, thalassaemia (a rare blood disorder), or Tay-Sachs disease. These tests are only for those at risk
If you’re immune to rubella (German measles), a disease that can be devastating if contracted early in pregnancy
If a sexually transmitted disease or hepatitis B is present
The doctor will measure the protein and sugar in your urine. The urinalysis will detect excess protein, which can be a warning sign of preeclampsia: or high blood pressure in pregnancy.
Cervical swab.
This test is done for those who have had herpes. If the herpes virus is active before delivery, your doctor may suggest a caesarean section to avoid the possibility of infecting your baby.
Pap smear.
Done to check the cells of the cervix for early signs of cervical cancer.
Scheduling future visits
You should see your doctor every month until your 28th week. After that, you might need a checkup every three weeks for some time and then every two weeks. After the 36th week you might be seeing your doctor every week until your baby is born.
The important 12th week visit
Be sure to bring your partner to your 12th week visit. This is when you’ll be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. Your doctor will place an electronic amplifying device called a Doppler scan on your abdomen. This instrument is safe and can be used right in the doctor’s office.
The heartbeat can’t be heard with a regular stethoscope until approximately 20 weeks. What you’ll hear is an earnest little heart pumping at about 140 beats per minute.
Until today your baby might have been just an idea of a child growing inside you. But once you hear the heartbeat, you would know that your baby is very real.

ANC CHECK UP Second trimester

            Throughout your second trimester, you’ll continue to visit your doctor once a month—unless there is a need for you to go more often. Each appointment would probably begin with you stepping onto the scale to ensure that you are gaining weight normally.
Monitoring your weight gain
During your fourth, fifth and six months, you should be gaining about 250 to 350 grammes a week. By tracking your weight, your doctor can estimate your baby’s growth and watch for signs of preeclampsia.
Doctors stress that you should try hard to stay within the proper weight recommended for your body. Straying too far from this guideline could lead to difficulties.
By gaining too much weight:
You put extra stress on your heart, which already is working overtime to pump increased blood volume
You put additional stress on your joints, which pregnancy hormones may already have loosened and made lax
You increase your risk of developing preeclampsia (a form of high blood pressure); a serious condition that can be life-threatening
You’ll be more likely to develop aches in your lower back
You may make labour and delivery more difficult because your baby will be big
It is, however, important that you gain about 9-14 kilos depending on your initial weight.
Second-trimester tests
Urinalysis. This test, performed at each doctor visit, measures the protein and sugar in your urine. It will detect excess protein, which can be a warning sign of preeclampsia.
Triple-marker test. This test measures a specific protein, alpha-fetoprotein or AFP, in your blood. If the AFP levels are high; it may identify a neural tube defect; if AFP levels are low (combined with abnormalities found in two other tests), this may identify Down’s syndrome. Initially, this was done in mothers above 35 years of age, but American College of obstetricians and gynecologists (2003) recommends that all pregnant women be offered second trimester maternal serum AFP screening.
Rhesus (Rh)-antibody-level test. This blood test is for rhesus-negative women. Most people have a specific protein in their blood called the Rh factor. Those who don’t are called Rh-negative. If a woman tests Rh-negative, the father of the child also should be tested for his Rh factor because problems arise when an Rh-negative woman conceives a baby with an Rh-positive man. The tests are done about halfway through the pregnancy or at once if the woman has a bleeding problem.
Ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency sound waves to visualise the unborn baby. An ultrasound examination can detect a pregnancy as early as six weeks after your last menstrual period and show the baby’s movements at approximately 12 weeks of gestational age.
Extra test for women older than 35
Amniocentesis. This tests the fluid surrounding your baby to detect chromosomal and other genetic disorders such as Down’s syndrome, haemophilia, and sickle-cell anaemia. It is usually performed on women older than 35 during their 15th to 16thweek of pregnancy and on women who have an abnormal triple-screen result.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Saturday, June 4, 2011

A.P Medical & Health Services – Transfer and Posting of Employees


A.P Medical & Health Services – Transfer and Posting of Employees – Instructions Issued


G.O.Rt.No.                                                                                                    Date: 1st June 2011

 G.O.Ms.No.93, Finance (DCM-III) Dept, dt.14.5.2011
-- XX –
O R D E R :-

1.                  In the reference read above, the Government have relaxed the ban on transfer of employees until 15 June 2011 subject to certain conditions and guidelines specified therein. In order to operationalise the orders issued in the reference first read above, the following Committees are hereby established for considering the request for transfer of the staff of Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department through counselling process, duly following the guidelines enumerated herein:

I)     A.P. Medical Education Service (Professors / Associate and Assistant Professors in the Medical College / Teaching Hospitals):

i)  Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare                      ..  Chairman

ii)  Director of Medical Education                                          ..  Member

iii)  Additional Director of Medical Education (Admn)                     ..  Member / Convener

II)   AP Health & Family Welfare Service and APVVP Service (Doctors and Specialists of all ranks and other non-medical and administrative posts under the control of Directorate of Public Health & Family Welfare and APVVP for whom the HOD / Government is the competent authority):

            i)  Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare                                   .. Chairman

            ii)  Director of Public & Health & Family Welfare                 .. Member

            iii)  Commissioner, A.P.V.V.P.                                                           .. Member

            iv)  Additional Director (Planning and Monitoring) &
                  APVVP Joint Commissioner (General)                            .. Member –Convener
                                                                                                                           for the respective HODs

III)  The counselling for the Zonal Cadre posts of the Health & Family Welfare Department will be conducted by the following Committees:
            i) Zone – 1
1. Dr Prakash Bhatia, Professor & HoD SPM, OMC Hyderabad    --        Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                  --   Member – Convener

3. DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the              
     Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                      --   Members

            ii) Zone – II
1. Dr Sucharita Murthy, Director, IPM                                          - Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                       - Member – Convener

3.DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the
    Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                            - Members

iii) ZONE –III
1. Dr Raja Prasanna Kumar, Additional Director MCH                – Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                       - Member-Convener

3. DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the
     Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                           - Members

iv) ZONE –IV
1. Dr Sampath Kumar, Additional Director of Medical Education           – Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                       - Member – Convenor

3. DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the
     Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                           - Members

v) ZONE –V
1. Dr Sai Babu, Addl Director (Population Stabilisation)               - Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                       - Member – Convenor

3. DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the
     Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                           - Members

vi) ZONE –VI
1. Dr Keshaiah, Joint Commissioner of APVVP                            – Chairman

2. Regional Director                                                                       - Member – Convenor

3. DMHO / DCHS / Superintendent & Principal of the
     Teaching Hospital of the districts in the zone                           - Members

IV)  The Committees for all other posts of the District cadre in Medical and Health Department will comprise of the following:
1.    Regional Director of Medical and Health of the Region                     -  Chairman

2.    DCHS and the Superintendent of the Teaching / District Hospital   - Members

3.    Nursing Superintendent of Teaching Hospital/ District Hospital       - Members

4.    District Medical and Health Officer                                                   - Member
 / Convener

2.                  Considering the complexity of the Medical and Health department that comprises of more than two hundred cadres, sub-cadres and diverse specialties, the Government hereby issue the following guidelines for implementation by the Counselling Committees to ensure transparency and fairness in transfers and postings of staff, in addition to the conditions and guidelines prescribed in the G.O. first cited:

General Guidelines

a)        All transfers and postings shall be effected strictly in accordance with the government orders, guidelines, instructions, rules and regulations in vogue and the process for transfer shall be transparent duly providing equitable opportunity principle to all staff members.

b)        Transfers should not exceed 20% of any one cadre and no TTA/Joining time etc., shall be granted in case of request transfers.

c)        For the purpose of defining duty station, especially in case of urban areas, the institutions located within an urban agglomeration with the same HRA shall be counted as a single duty station.

d)        For the purpose of defining if a staff member has been ‘long-standing’ at a duty station, five years of service at the station in all cadres shall be considered. However, in case of Ministerial staff working in the offices of RDM&HS, DM&HOs, Teaching Hospitals, Medical Colleges, DLO, DTBCO, and DMO, three years shall be counted as ‘long-standing’.

e)        For computing 20% of the cadre strength, the following priority shall be followed:
                             i.          Long standing staff (3 years) working in the offices of RDM&HS, DM&HOs, Teaching Hospitals, Medical Colleges, DLOs, DTBCOs, and DMO shall be counted first.

                           ii.          Request applications; and

                         iii.          Long standing Staff (5years) working at institutions.

f)         Application / Proposal for transfers shall be called for and received up to 6 June 2011, scrutinized by 8.6.2011, counselling shall be conducted between 9.6.2011 to 13.6.2011 and the transfers shall be effected on or before 15.06.2011 as per the condition stipulated by the Govt in Finance Dept.  

g)        In respect of third level Gazetted Officers for which Government is the competent authority, the concerned HOD shall receive the requests, scrutinize, place before the Counselling Committee and submit proposals to Government by 12.6.2011 for issue of orders.

h)        No person shall be transferred before completion of two (2) years of service in a particular station as on 16-05-2011.

i)          The transfers in any way should not violate the six point formula, as notified in G.O.Ms.No.610, G.A.(SPF.A) Dept, dt.30.12.1985, as amended from time to time.

j)          The persons who are on foreign deputation and completed their period of deputation may be repatriated immediately and consider postings on repatriation in the counselling.

k)        The Head of the Department (HOD) shall upload the following information on their respective website to ensure transparency.

                                            i.            Names of faculty members / Doctors / Officers / Nurses / other cadres of Staff  who are working in the same station continuously for more than five and more than 10 years separately.

                                          ii.            Vacancies existing in different cadres shall be clearly indicated. Concealment of any vacant post will be treated as a serious and deliberate violation by the head of the concerned office/department.
                                        iii.            Newly created posts of Assistant Professors / Civil Assistant Surgeons by transferring posts from surplus to needy departments.

                                        iv.            Vacancies of Specialists in all APVVP and Teaching Hospitals.

                                          v.            Vacancies of regional labs of Institute of Preventive Medicine.

                                        vi.            Vacancies of RIMS Medical Colleges at Kadapa, Adilabad, Ongole and Srikakulam.

                                      vii.            List of requests for transfers.

Guidelines for Transfer of Doctors and Nurses

a.         Transfer and posting of doctors shall be strictly to the specialist post to which they belong. Specialists shall not be posted in any post earmarked for a different speciality. Mis-match postings are strictly prohibited.

b.         Civil Assistant Surgeons with specialist degrees/diplomas shall not be considered for posting in PHC vacancies.

c.         Deputy Civil Surgeons with speciality degrees/diplomas other than in Public Health and Epidemiology shall not be considered for SPHO vacancies.

d.         Specialists currently working under the control of Director of Public Health shall be posted in the specialities earmarked for that speciality in CHCs currently under the control of Directorate of Public Health and / or hospitals under the control of APVVP / DME / IPM

e.         Transfer of doctors who have put in more than five years in the same station will not be undertaken automatically, but only consequent on valid request for transfers by others of same speciality. Further the request can be considered against clear vacancy and in the absence of the same, by shifting the person who has put in the longest service beyond five years in the Hospital.

f.          In case of AP Medical Education Service, the following guidelines shall be followed:

i)          All the specialists currently working in ‘mis-match’ posts shall be given first preference and all those currently working as Tutors / CAS/ Assistant Professors in departments other than their speciality shall be transferred and posted in their own speciality. There shall be no doctor working in mis-match posts in any medical institution after 15 June 2011.

ii)        Thereafter, specialists with MD/MS/MCH/DM currently working under APVVP and DPH and in-service candidates who have returned after completing MD/MS Course and awaiting posting be given an opportunity for posting as Assistant Professors in teaching hospitals duly considering their seniority and other priorities defined by the Government, after obtaining a notarised affidavit that ‘she / he would not seek return to their parent department at any time in their service and that she / he would take the last rank in the seniority as Assistant Professor.

iii)      The in-service candidates who completed post-graduate studies in non-clinical and para-clinical disciplines but have not passed the final examination be posted as emergency duty medical officers in the existing vacancies.

iv)      The vacant posts existing under the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) at Kadapa, Ongole, Srikakulam and Adilabad shall be considered as part of the vacancy pool of DME for the purpose of transfer and posting of Assistant / Associate Professors and Professors.

v)        The posts of Emergency Duty Medical Officers (EDMOs) in teaching hospitals shall be filled with candidates with specialist degree or diploma and those who have completed pre/para clinical post graduate studies but not passed the qualifying examination. In case of medical officers with only MBBS degree, an work experience in a PHC as Civil Assistant Surgeon for not less than two years in tribal areas, three years in remote and interior areas, four years in other rural areas and five years in urban areas. All other medical officers with MBBS qualification currently working in teaching colleges and hospitals shall be transferred to PHCs /CHCs under the Directorate of Public Health.

vi)      The counselling for those currently working as Professors and Associate Professors shall be conducted before posting those recently promoted and awaiting posting orders.

g.         The following guidelines shall be followed for the Nursing Staff:

i.           Nursing Personnel with M.Sc and B.Sc qualification and currently working in Teaching Hospitals and Nursing Colleges / Schools shall not be transferred except in exceptional cases, for which reasons shall be recorded in writing. 

ii.         The Nursing Personnel with specialised training (recognised by the Nursing Council of India and the Government) and those working in specialised disciplines in teaching hospitals like maternity and paediatric care, intensive care units, operation theatres, trauma and burns wards, emergency services, etc., shall not be shifted non-specialist locations.

iii.       The nursing cadre of the Directorate of Public Health, Directorate of Medical Education and the APVVP shall be considered as a single pool for the purpose of transfers and postings.

iv.       Nursing Personnel with M. Sc and B Sc qualification shall be posted in Teaching, District and Area Hospitals to the extent possible subject to availability of vacancies and adherence to rules and regulations in force.

Grievance Redressal

a)        The Counselling Committees established herein shall receive representation made by any staff member at any time expressing any concern or grievance regarding any transfer and examine the same strictly in accordance with the government orders, instructions and guidelines and pass appropriate orders in writing or refer the matter to the higher authorities, as deem appropriate. No grievance or representation shall remain unattended.

b)        A Grievance Redressal Committee is hereby constituted with the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, NRHM Mission Director, and CEO Arogya Sri, which will examine all grievances relating to the transfers and postings arising during or after the counselling and pass necessary orders.

c)        The Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare shall establish a Grievance Redressal cell with a phone line, receptionist and an e-mail address, which shall be publicised widely amongst all staff members. The grievance cell shall function from 9 AM to 8 PM every day from 2 to 15 June 2011

d)        Employees may be advised not to make multiple representations at various levels as a transparent policy and process is being adopted for transfers.

3.                  All concerned are hereby instructed to take immediate action to operationalise these orders with immediate effect. A format for application for transfer is enclosed herewith for adoption.


All HODs under the Control of HM&FW Dept (we).
Mission Director of NRHM
All Principal of Government Medical Colleges
All Directors of RIMS, Kadapa, Srikakulam, Adilabad, Ongole
All Superintendents of Government Teaching Hospitals
All Regional Directors of Medical and Health Services
All District Medical and Health Officers
All District Coordinators of Hospital Services
All Committee Members through respective Heads of Departments
All District Collectors
Copy to
OSD to Minister(M&H)
PS to Special CS to CM
PS to Principal Secretary Health


Annexure To GO Rt .....Dated 01 June 2011



Present post and station of working

Date from which working at present station (including all posts)

Posts and Stations to which transfer is sought





Grounds on which he is seeking transfer



Belongs to which Zone / District

                                                                          SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT

                                                FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Whether his request fulfils the pre-conditions for transfer laid down in the G.O.

Vacancy position at places opted for





Any Remarks

Senior Asst.          Superintendent          Deputy Director                  Addl. Director